Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

There are many opinions out there about what to eat.  We have individuals needs, medical conditions, lifestyles, etc.  We have to respect all of this when we consider good nutrition.  But, there is a simple fact that cuts through all of this…protein needs for athletes.  At Don’t Be a Meathead, we follow the science.  We know that we need to increase/maintain muscle weight and lower body fat and especially visceral fat.  We want to maximize our health early and as we age.  Most of us are in this for the long run.

If you want to stay lean and gain muscle, you need the proper amount of protein.  Macros are important and if your numbers are not right, you are not going to look or feel great.  In addition, your recovery and performance will be hindered.

The OFFICIAL numbers on protein needs for calorically restricted, resistance-trained athletes are clearly defined. These people are you, me, and anyone who is active and wants to look and feel great.  There is no point arguing numbers anymore.   I use an FDA approved InBody 570 to work with patients to help them achieve their goals.  The success rate is very, very high.  Why is that?  Well, we follow the science. With that being said, let’s cite the source for all of this so you know this is not my opinion…after all, what good are opinions anyway?

The official word on this topic comes from the official source in the industry: the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  In this case, I am referring to their position stand on diet and body composition.  Follow their guidelines and it’s hard to go wrong.  Follow some random person in the gym with what they do or some nutritionist who does not specialize in working with athletes, and you will not get the results you seek.

Pay special attention to when it comes to protein needs (number 6), as failure to follow this recommendation will lead to reduced recovery and an inability to gain lean muscle mass.  As everyone who works out to gain muscle knows, we want to keep our lean body mass high.  Also note their take on intermittent fasting, something we ALL should be doing.

Please go ahead and read the study and feel free to comment below.  As a bit of background, I’ve been consuming the recommended protein (along with an otherwise sensible food plan)  for the last 2.5 years and look and feel amazing.  This goes along with one day a week of intermittent fasting to keep the body healthy.  I am a huge fan of alkaline protein as keeping the body balanced is very important.

Don’t Be a Meathead!  Go with the facts and if you need help, please feel free to inquire.  We are here to help you achieve your goals.


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