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Shoe Terminology #1:  Zero Drop, What it Means, and Why It’s Important

Shoe Terminology #1: Zero Drop, What it Means, and Why It’s Important

We get asked a lot of questions about what types of shoes to wear.  Afterall, there are a lot of options.  Some are functional, some are fashionable.  We like to stick with function over fashion.  Afterall, we tend to work with an active population and athletes of all disciplines need proper footwear to help optimize performance and reduce the likelihood of injury.  There is so much information (misinformation) out there and it seems like most everyone has an opinion.  We are not after opinions.  We are after facts.

We’re going to cover two popular and discussed shoe configuration topics.  This blog (and associated YouTube video below) will cover zero drop and the next one will cover neutral shoes.

Zero drop refers to the heel to toe drop in a shoe.  Literally, the heel of a shoe is usually made to be higher than toe (forefoot).  The shoe effectively angles down from the back of the foot to the front.  You won’t usually see this just looking at the shoe.   You’ll likely need to see the listing online or write the company.  Some shoes are still using 10-12mm heel to toe drops.  Ouch! This effectively shortens your calf musculature at all times…not good. In effect, it’s like you’re wear heels.

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Athletes Need to Stop Static Stretching.  Know the Facts About Stretching to Avoid Injury and Optimize Performance

Athletes Need to Stop Static Stretching. Know the Facts About Stretching to Avoid Injury and Optimize Performance

If you’re an athlete, it’s time to stop static stretching.

Static stretching is bad for you if you are about to play any sport.  Surprised?  Don’t be.  Plenty of data is provided below.  In spite of what has been incorrected pushed for decades at every level of sport, the research has shown for decades that static stretching leads to decreased performance and a greater likelihood of injury.  So many injuries could be prevented if ‘warming up’ was performed properly, by everyone.  Watch the video below and read the blog to learn more.  Please also subscribe to our YouTube channel.  Help us help you and those you care about!

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High Ankle Sprains Are Rare Yet Very Damaging and Every Athlete Should Be Aware of Them

High Ankle Sprains Are Rare Yet Very Damaging and Every Athlete Should Be Aware of Them

We should all be familiar with lateral and medial ankle sprains as we discussed them in previous blogs.  We are now going to talk about the last and least understood form of ankle sprain, also known as the dreaded ‘high ankle sprain.’  These sprains are documented as being between 11 and 17% of all ankle sprains.  They are not too common, but they are very significant.  Proper identification of this type of ankle sprain is vital.  It will need rehabilitation by a trained professional who has experience with this type of sprain.  

Luckily, the explanation and understanding of a high ankle sprain is quite easy.  A high ankle sprain is a syndesmotic sprain that occurs above the lateral ankle.  A syndesmotic sprain involves the ligaments and fascia between bones.  In this case, the tibia and fibula bones above the ankle joint are involved.  In effect, a particular trauma causes the two bones to separate from one another and the ligaments and other tissues between them tear in the process. This leads to a lot of pain and a good amount of dysfunction.

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Ouch! I Rolled My Ankle In, Now What Do I Do?

Ouch! I Rolled My Ankle In, Now What Do I Do?

Ankle sprains/strains happen…a lot.  (We’ll have a YouTube chat about this soon as well as this blog here.  Please subscribe to follow us.)   That horrible feeling when you ‘roll your ankle in’.  What exactly does this mean and what do we need to look for with ankle sprains?

The inversion ankle sprain is the most common of all ankle sprains, accounting for about 75-80%.  The ankle can roll outward, but this is not too common.  The medial side (inside) of your ankle tends to be more stable.  This blog is about the most common form of ankle sprain, so let’s get going.  (We’ll save the outward rolling ankle sprains and high ankle sprains for another discussion!)

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Skiboards Are The Way To Go!

Skiboards Are The Way To Go!

**This blog is updated and re-posted with permission from www.yourchiropractor.net We’re posting it on DBAM because it covers a favorite sport of many, skiing…and it’s about a way to keep those participating safer while sacrificing none of the fun!

I’ve been an avid skier my whole life.  I may not be a double black diamond skier or even all the time a solid black diamond one, but I’d comfortably call myself an advanced intermediate skier.  To me, nothing is more peaceful than being on top of a mountain, with the snow falling down, and only hearing the sound of the carving of the skis.

From childhood, my dad and I would take father and son ski trips and they provided some of the best memories of my life.  From Switzerland, to Mount Tremblant, to Vail, Park City, Tahoe, and more…I was exposed to skiing at an early age and I am very fortunate for this.

Being a sports chiropractor, my life revolves around treating injuries, rehabilitating such injuries, and helping to prevent future injuries.  Skiing is a sport, that although insanely fun, comes with its set of injury risks.  I’ve treated many various skiing (and fairly stated, snowboarding) injuries in my day.  This begs the question: how do we mitigate the risks of skiing while still having loads of fun?

Several years ago, a patient started talking with me about skiing.  He mentioned that he no longer used skis but was using something called ‘Skiboards.’  He talked about how much fun they were and how much safer he felt using them vs. skis.  This conversation piqued my curiosity.  After all, I loved skiing and I also wanted to minimize risk as much as possible. Continue Reading →

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The Need for Youth Sports Information

The Need for Youth Sports Information

As a parent of a child involved in youth sports, you want your child to be healthy, happy, and performing at an optimal level.  Nothing is worse than uncertainty as there is no game plan to approach it.  You have questions and they need to be answered.

Your child plays a sport and gets knee or leg pain.  What do you do?  You want your child to work on strength and conditioning.  Is it safe?  Where do you go?  How much is too much?  What do you look for when selecting a personal trainer/strength coach?  Should your child play one or two sports?  Which offers a lower risk of injury?  Your child has a question about hip tightness and you don’t know who to ask. Continue Reading →

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Why The Cross Crawl Pattern Is So Important

Why The Cross Crawl Pattern Is So Important

Cross Crawl pattern as baby’s left upper extremity goes forward, so too does the right lower extremity

As DBAM starts moving into education on the topic everything youth sports, it’s important to consider our most primitive movement patterns.  This is where it all starts.

Babies start their true ability to move around by crawling.  It involves the left upper extremity moving forward while the right lower extremity also moves forward.  Then vice versa.  The cross crawl is not just a thing kids do before they get upright.  The crawling movement is an essential action to proper development of the brain.  This is why those parents who try to have their kids walk as soon as possible are, can we say, Meatheads? Continue Reading →

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The Upright Row…Stop It Now and Save Your Shoulders!

The Upright Row…Stop It Now and Save Your Shoulders!

I’ve written and taught on the topic of the exercise called the ‘Upright Row’ many times in the past.  Sadly, people are still performing this most awkward and dangerous exercise.  I guess I will try to keep reaching as many people as possible about this movement.  It is responsible for too many injuries.  This blog falls on the heels of a prior blog about ‘side deltoid raises’ and the issue of impingement.

The upright row is responsible for shoulder damage.  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen injuries occur right in front of my face with people performing this exercise. Ouch!  Let’s look at the picture above and break it down!

The upright row movement is a flexion/abduction movement of the shoulder rolled in with internal rotation and a bit of retraction, all while under load. What does this do for your shoulder? Well, nothing too much on the good side and a lot on the bad side (meaning, it’s bad). This movement is notorious for impinging the supraspinatus muscle.  It just so happens that the supraspinatus is the most damaged rotator cuff muscle.  The more distal fibers lie under the acromion process. Continue Reading →

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Learn About Arthrogenic Inhibition

Learn About Arthrogenic Inhibition

So, you’re a runner and keep getting ankle sprains.  You are a powerlifter and keep ‘pulling’ your hamstrings.  You are recovering from shoulder surgery and you simply cannot get back to where you should be even though the surgeon tells you all is okay.  Your knees are just not recovering from what was supposed to be a simple meniscus repair.

WHY can’t you get better?  You feel better but things just aren’t working the way they should…well…here is the likely reason and you’ve never heard about it.

Arthrogenic Inhibition sounds like a complicated concept, but luckily, it is not. Defined as ‘an ongoing reflex reaction of the musculature surrounding a joint after distension or damage to structures of that joint, Arthrogenic Inhibition is readily apparent with really any joint injury.  This includes injury from life, sport, and surgery, and anything else you can possibly do that damages a joint.

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Superman is a Meathead!

Superman is a Meathead!

Take a look at the exercise above.  What do you see?  I’ll make it easy…what you are seeing is a soon-to-be low back injury.

It looks like a fit guy doing what is classically called a ‘Superman’.  Well, we all know the man of steel is invincible.  But, we are not.  In fact, our kryptonite is the low back injury that is going to occur when we extend the spine like this.  In fact, studies show that this exercise can create about 6000 Newtons of energy into our low back.

Superman will not break…we will.  Just so you now, 1 Newton equals about .225 pounds of force.  So, if we multiple 6000 x .225, we get 1350 pounds of pressure in the low back.  Do you think your facet joints, ligaments, and discs are made to take this type of pressure?  Well, this is NOT what you want to do.  I’ve heard far too many people over the years saying they love the ‘burn’ in their low back that they feel when performing this exercise.  Well, guess what?  That burn is severely damaging your back.  Don’t Be a Meathead!

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