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Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

There are many opinions out there about what to eat.  We have individuals needs, medical conditions, lifestyles, etc.  We have to respect all of this when we consider good nutrition.  But, there is a simple fact that cuts through all of this…protein needs for athletes.  At Don’t Be a Meathead, we follow the science.  We know that we need to increase/maintain muscle weight and lower body fat and especially visceral fat.  We want to maximize our health early and as we age.  Most of us are in this for the long run.

If you want to stay lean and gain muscle, you need the proper amount of protein.  Macros are important and if your numbers are not right, you are not going to look or feel great.  In addition, your recovery and performance will be hindered.

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Learn About Arthrogenic Inhibition

Learn About Arthrogenic Inhibition

So, you’re a runner and keep getting ankle sprains.  You are a powerlifter and keep ‘pulling’ your hamstrings.  You are recovering from shoulder surgery and you simply cannot get back to where you should be even though the surgeon tells you all is okay.  Your knees are just not recovering from what was supposed to be a simple meniscus repair.

WHY can’t you get better?  You feel better but things just aren’t working the way they should…well…here is the likely reason and you’ve never heard about it.

Arthrogenic Inhibition sounds like a complicated concept, but luckily, it is not. Defined as ‘an ongoing reflex reaction of the musculature surrounding a joint after distension or damage to structures of that joint, Arthrogenic Inhibition is readily apparent with really any joint injury.  This includes injury from life, sport, and surgery, and anything else you can possibly do that damages a joint.

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Superman is a Meathead!

Superman is a Meathead!

Take a look at the exercise above.  What do you see?  I’ll make it easy…what you are seeing is a soon-to-be low back injury.

It looks like a fit guy doing what is classically called a ‘Superman’.  Well, we all know the man of steel is invincible.  But, we are not.  In fact, our kryptonite is the low back injury that is going to occur when we extend the spine like this.  In fact, studies show that this exercise can create about 6000 Newtons of energy into our low back.

Superman will not break…we will.  Just so you now, 1 Newton equals about .225 pounds of force.  So, if we multiple 6000 x .225, we get 1350 pounds of pressure in the low back.  Do you think your facet joints, ligaments, and discs are made to take this type of pressure?  Well, this is NOT what you want to do.  I’ve heard far too many people over the years saying they love the ‘burn’ in their low back that they feel when performing this exercise.  Well, guess what?  That burn is severely damaging your back.  Don’t Be a Meathead!

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