
Although we have a lot of great material to cover, we would love to hear from you with suggestions about exercise/fitness/nutrition topics to discuss.  Please do not be bashful and ask away.  Dr. Manison and Dr. Horwitz have a combined 60 years in the field as sports medicine chiropractors and they work with a multitude of allied healthcare providers and fitness professionals.   Cara is a functional nutritionist legend!  Vic has been a high level trainer and strength coach since before time!  No matter what we all know, though, we cannot read minds.  So…if you have an exercise/activity/injury/whatever you are unsure about, are in an argument with a buddy/spouse/child about how to do something and think you’re right and need some backup, see someone doing something and would like an explanation, or anything else, please let us  know and we will do our best to help you out.

It’s much better to learn how to do things right than to try to figure things out after you are injured.  We are here for you.  Let us help you.

Contact us here and ask away!  Thank you.