The Need for Youth Sports Information

The Need for Youth Sports Information

As a parent of a child involved in youth sports, you want your child to be healthy, happy, and performing at an optimal level.  Nothing is worse than uncertainty as there is no game plan to approach it.  You have questions and they need to be answered.

Your child plays a sport and gets knee or leg pain.  What do you do?  You want your child to work on strength and conditioning.  Is it safe?  Where do you go?  How much is too much?  What do you look for when selecting a personal trainer/strength coach?  Should your child play one or two sports?  Which offers a lower risk of injury?  Your child has a question about hip tightness and you don’t know who to ask.

youth sports tennis injury

How serious is that shoulder pain? What is it due to?

With certain movements, your child’s shoulder hurts, so, what does that mean?  How do you reduce the likelihood of burnout with kids as they age?  Your child has mid/upper back pain and you don’t know where to go for that.  You were told there was nothing abnormal on a MRI but your child still has

At what age can a child workout? How do we keep it safe?

pain.  What do you do?  Your child has a head injury.  Now What?  Can anything be done to help with healing?  How much does nutrition affect recovery and athletic performance?

These are just a few of the hundreds of examples of conditions and questions Drs. Manison and Horwitz have encountered with their over 60 years of combined clinical experience.  They have dealt with athletes from the youngest ages to professional and they believe that injury prevention, proper nutrition, and conditioning start at a young age.  If injury risk can be reduced early in life, this leads to healthier adolescents and adults.

On the flipside, if injuries are not dealt with when your child is young, he/she is likely to have greater injury when older and nobody wants that!  Unfortunately, some parents push too hard and sometimes do not listen to signs of injury.  We need to listen so our kids stay healthy.

Doctors work with patients 1:1 in the office and those who receive proper care will tend to do quite well with recovery, rehabilitation, and performance.  Drs. Manison and Horwitz wanted to have a forum to not only help people 1:1, but by the hundreds, thousands, and more.  Some conditions are so common yet if they are not evaluated properly, the proper treatment approach will never be utilized.  This occurs far too often.  Drs. Manison and Horwitz find this both frustrating and sad.  They want to help people more!

Why does he have neck pain? What factors need to be considered?

Sometimes, an injury is due to a structural cause and sometimes, it’s due to a functional one.  How do you differentiate?  Which type of healthcare provider do you see?  Do you even need one?  Can a parent work with their child to fix an imbalance before it becomes a serious problem?  Are you sure the healthcare provider your child is seeing knows what to look for?  How long should it take to properly diagnose a condition and have it resolved?  Yes, lots of questions…

Youth athletes have specific nutritional needs. Is your child getting what they require to thrive?

All these questions and thoughts are the driving force behind DBAM’s mission of helping parents and their athlete children with being and staying healthy, all while training and eating properly, and having fun while doing so. DBAM has a tremendous team of providers who have the experience and knowledge to help keep you moving forward when you have questions that are not being answered.  We are here to help you get answers!

We all know there is a dearth of credible information online to help parents with athletic children covering lots of topics.  Well, we have our work cut out for us but we’re ready for the challenge.  We’ll be adding information soon on multiple platforms.  Please spread the word and help us get the word out.  Also, if there any topics you’d like for us to educate on, please contact us and let us know.  We are here to help you.

Please subscribe and follow us on YouTube so we can keep you up to date when we add videos.  Please also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.  Thank you.



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