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Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

Protein Needs for Those Who Workout

There are many opinions out there about what to eat.  We have individuals needs, medical conditions, lifestyles, etc.  We have to respect all of this when we consider good nutrition.  But, there is a simple fact that cuts through all of this…protein needs for athletes.  At Don’t Be a Meathead, we follow the science.  We know that we need to increase/maintain muscle weight and lower body fat and especially visceral fat.  We want to maximize our health early and as we age.  Most of us are in this for the long run.

If you want to stay lean and gain muscle, you need the proper amount of protein.  Macros are important and if your numbers are not right, you are not going to look or feel great.  In addition, your recovery and performance will be hindered.

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Work to Avoid Shoulder Impingement!

Work to Avoid Shoulder Impingement!

So, what is wrong with what the person is doing above?  She’s smiling and exercising…all good, right?  Uh, no!  I’ll cut to the chase.  That woman is looking at significant shoulder damage coming her way due to the movement she is performing.

Many people go the gym and try to isolate, or train, their shoulders.  There is plenty of debate about isolation movements vs. more regional training, but we’ll leave that for another day.  There are many machines the people use to work on their shoulders and there are plenty of exercises with dumbbells.

This discussion is about one particular exercise that rates high on my list of ‘Don’t Be a Meathead.’

Let’s first start with anatomy.  The supraspinatus muscle is one of the 4 rotator cuff muscles and its function is shoulder abduction in the SCAPULAR plane along with a bit of external rotation.  The problem with this muscle is that it travels under a bone that comes off the scapula, called the acromion. Continue Reading →